Just in case you are surprised that I am still part of blogging world, I opted not to send my computer with Chuck, in hopes that I will be up there to see him in a few weeks (my incredibly sweet in-laws have offered to come and take care of our house, garden and rabbit for a few days) and I can get it worked on then...OK, I have a few different tidbits of info that are floating around in my head and I am not sure any one of them is worth an actual post on its own, so in the spirit of leftovers, I am tossing them all in this post.
Let's start with our open house. We had one on Sunday and after working for the weekend to get ready, we headed out the door, totally prepared that no one would show up. Well, can I just say, God is good??!! We pulled in the drive at 4:05 and our realtor said another family was still on their way. We had 4 groups of people through on Sunday and 2 of them were interested and really liked it. Whew. All that work was worth it. =) Can't wait to see what happens and for now I am just thrilled and encouraged.
The girls are part of another VBS this week. Yep, I am officially that Mom that brought her kids to more than one VBS program in one summer. They are having a great time and I am,
again, so thankful for this program that churches offer.
I am now the designated pool water tester, chemical adder, and over all monitor of all things swimming pool related. Today I learned how to shock the pool. Our pool has been really easy to manage (being a salt pool helps), but after all the rain water that has fallen, it needed some major help today. I do enjoy learning new things and now I can add this to my repertoire.
My girls are having a sleepover in Tissy's room tonight. You would have thought Tally was going away on a long trip. She packed a bag and was so excited to walk across the hall and sleep on the floor in Tissy's room. Why am I not this thrilled to sleep on someones floor? I guess I am too old for this type of simple fun to lift my spirits. I guess my girls really are best friends, they don't even need a friend to come over to have slumber party. =)
I was able to have coffee with a friend today and we had such a nice time talking and sharing about our worlds to each other. I have been motivated to expand my homeschooling experience to include
lapbooks and I got her interested in the Precepts study that I
downloaded for free and am currently studying. I am so grateful for the friends that I have (both near and far).
OK, hope you enjoyed the leftovers that I just dished out. (BTW, Shaleen, I often think about your story about leftovers: the ones that were destined for the trash if they weren't eaten for that meal. The whole idea is that you are eating something that is just about to go into the trash, um, yuck!!)