If you have known us for long you know that Tristen has had a variety of medical issues. Just wanted to give you a quick medical update. We just got back from her yearly visit to the cardiologist. All reports are good. Tissy is doing really well.

Last year we started her on medicine for her fainting and we saw good results from the medication. This year the doctor believes it is a good idea to keep her on the medicine and use it as needed.

Tissy is a good sport with all of this and I am thankful that she continues to handle her condition well. The doctor described it well today, reminding us that she does not have any extra reserve of energy and when she has used hers up, that is when the fainting will take place.
She always gets nervous when it is time to go and see the doctor and do the tests. She doesn't like the EKG even though it doesn't hurt. The whole day is exhausting. Now that we moved, we live 2+ hours from the hospital and it makes for a long day for all of us. We always bring our school work and get it done while we are waiting.

I am thankful for the good report and grateful for God's grace in her life.