Thursday, March 24, 2011

100th day of school (back in January)

We always celebrate the 100th day of school. We like to dress if crazy clothes and count things by the hundred and even do some goofy hair dos. This was the day that Tristen started to feel yucky (little did we know it was the beginning of mono).

We found, counted and lined up 100 cars. Tally and Tyce grouped them into groups of ten. Even Tate had fun and participated. Poor Tristen was able to get up for the pictures and then...she was back in bed for almost 5 weeks of sickness. January and February were really long months for our family.

Go SCIENCE !!!!!!!!

We have been using a different science curriculum for school this winter and have really enjoyed it. I bought this book years ago and it has sat on our shelf since then. I like that I can read a lesson to the girls in about a half an hour while they take notes. Then we go over the questions and gather our supplies for any hands on activity. They are not really "experiments" but more like activities. Here Tally is making a FLOOD in a jar. Learning about what might have happened after Noah's flood.

This activity was learning about glaciers and ice. Good thing we had some snow to help out with this experiment. So far, we have only had one experiment not work out well. We tried to grow crystals and it just didn't work.

Most recently we have been studying earthquakes and volcanoes and tectonic plates. How timely that the huge earthquake in Japan is part of our current events so we have an example to talk about.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Praying for JAPAN

With all the news these days I am sure you are praying for the situation in JAPAN with the massive earthquake last week. Please continue to pray for the situation, and also for the people of JAPAN. I am praying that this event will soften the hearts of the people there and allow them to respond to God. Also, please pray for my sister and her family. They are church planters there in Tokyo. Although their family is safe, it is a difficult situation and there is much need for prayer.