Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Musings

It is the time of year to think through last years events and focus on the next new year. I have said many times that 2008 was a hard year, but a good year. Though many of the year was full of trials and transitions, it was also full of being refined by God. Less of me and more of Him.

A few things that come to mind...just last January, I joined a local Precepts Bible Study group. I believe that group and that study was one of the main reasons that we were in our last town. It was the tool that God used in my life to completely draw me into the Bible at such a deep level. I will forever be changed by that pivotal event.

Chuck changing jobs. Was also a huge transition in our life. Leaving the previous job and becoming part of an organization that works in the Christian industry. That has been a goal of Chuck's for years and to see God open the doors in that direction was a blessing. It is so neat to see Chuck fit so well in his environment.

I just realized that we lived without Chuck home for most of last year. God demonstrated His faithfulness in SO many ways as our family took that leap of faith to follow His lead. Like I said, it wasn't easy, but it was just the right amount of stretching that we needed to become a stronger family.

We have been so blessed in so many ways. God has been so faithful, and His timing so perfect. As I look to 2009, I find that God is tugging at my heart to be used by Him even more. To serve where He leads. I desire to be faithful in studying His word daily. I want to respond in every situation graciously and in a way that is a positive testimony to those I come in contact with. a nut shell those are my "resolutions". If you can call them that. More like goals or things to strive for. Hopefully with our life a little less consumed with moving (that is, once we get settled) I desire to celebrate the holidays with purpose. And, I wouldn't mind learning more about canning in my "spare" time.

(just for fun...last years resolution is HERE)


Chuck Peters said...

It has been a difficult but exciting year for us, no doubt! It's nice to be on this journey with YOU!!! You are an amazing wife & partner. I love you tons & I'm proud of how you endured the hard months. You deserve an award!

Lee and Bev said...

Sweet comment from Chuck! You are blessed to have such a loving husband and he is blessed to have such a encouraging, supportive wife! Life is an interesting journey, huh? Trust you are able to recuperate a bit, get your girls well, find things in your boxes!, and will be able to make the final move into your new house soon!

junglemama said...

Happy New Year Crispy! You've had a busy year!

Tim and Susan said...

It's wild to look back at the last year and all that God has brought us through. Looking for to what God has in store for us all this next year.