Saturday, February 14, 2009

Private Disciplines - testimony part 3

OK friends, we are halfway there with the 5 points of my testimony. Hopefully you are staying with me and enjoying getting to know me in a new way. As I mentioned before, this sermon series that I recently heard mentioned 5 different areas that God tends to use to grow our faith. Most people can point to one or more of these in their own life that God has used to draw them closer to Him. As I heard this series I thought of different examples for each of these and I really liked thinking through my testimony in these categories.

This third area is PRIVATE DISCIPLINES. Some examples of these PRIVATE DISCIPLINES might be where your faith really grew after you were more consistent with alone time with God, or daily prayer time or maybe even fasting or tithing to God. Again, I can share about a few of these that have been significant areas of growth for me. Looking back over the years, a PRIVATE DISCIPLINE that God has used is prayer journaling. I have often kept a prayer journal where I write down my prayers to God, where I cry out to Him. Not just a list of requests, but actually writing out the prayer as I was praying it. As I read back through these prayer journals, I see such a variety of different highs and lows, trials and blessings and how through it all I was learning to communicate to my heavenly Father. I was learning to go to Him instead of going to a friend, or a family member. I was learning that God is faithful, that His Word is true. Learning to invest in the most important relationship. I have kept all those prayer journals and they are like precious love letters, like a window into my connections with God.

I have often desired to have a deeper prayer life. I have been challenged to take God's Word at face value and spend time in secret prayer with God each day. But you, when you pray, go into your inner room, close your door and pray to your Father who is in secret, and your Father who sees what is done in secret will reward you. I still have a ways to go on this area. I know that God is still growing me here, and I have learned that growing pains hurt a bit.


Sandee said...

I am enjoying this series. Looking forward to four and five.

Reminders...I have so been reminded that I need my daily time with God, quality, more than a dashing minute!

Anonymous said...

I too began to prayer journal, only last year. It is a wonderful tool. I write to the Lord, and like David, let it all out! I hold nothing back! As I'm writing, I'm reminded of passages in the Word, and I include them in my journal. Then, when prayer is answered, I include how the Lord has answered. For me, it is like when the Old Testament Jews would erect an altar at the spot where God revealed Himself- it is tangible proof of God working in my life that I can look back on and remember. Just a few months ago, I read back over my entries from the past year, and was reminded of all that the Lord has brought us through. I find that too often in my past, God has done wonderful things for me but I'm quick to forget when times get tough. I love being able to document my daily walk with the Lord through my prayer journal, and I would encourage those without one to give it a try.

Lee and Bev said...

"Praying about everything" has become more of a habit or discipline recently as well. Praying for wisdom when I go to the grocery store, praying for safety when I need to get somewhere in a hurry, praying for our country when we hear the news, praying for the salvation of those I encounter daily or as I walk by people's houses. What a relief to unoad our burdens onto HIM who is able to carry those heavy loads.

Smith Schoolhouse said...

I love prayer journaling too. I get lost in my thoughts when I try to pray silently so writing my prayers out keeps me focused and gets my brain trained for continual prayer.

Karen said...

I have also been enjoying a "walk through your testimony" thank you for sharing~ I love to keep a prayer journal as well. As a family we keep a "prayer box" ... I love to have the kids go through and read past requests so that they can see how God has answered some and others they are still waiting. Looking forward to the rest:)

K-Sue said...

I have not always kept a prayer journal, but during times when I was keeping one, it was encouraging to flip back through and remember the answers.

Cristy said...

I really enjoy your blog. We didn't get to meet when you lived here, but I found your blog through several other homeschoolers. You have a way of keeping me grounded in my faith. Isn't that a great testimony to the power of God working through you? I am really enjoying this series you are doing. I am reflecting on my walk with our Father and taking the time to realize where my strengths and weaknesses are in that walk. Thank you.
