Tuesday, January 11, 2011

***S*N*O*W***D*A*Y ***

We got some S*N*O*W !!!! This is our second "big" snow for this area. We even had a dusting on Christmas day this year. As you can imagine...we are LOVING it. I hunted for some snow pants for the boys (um...yes, that is Tate in bright PINK pants). We got boots and sleds and we were ready for the snow.

The school system here has been closed for 2 days and the kids had a BLAST playing out in the snow. Aside from a few fainting spells from Tissy (note to self...too much bundling makes you really hot and fainty), the past few days have been great.

We are soaking up the change of seasons here and trying to enjoy everything that it has to offer. The kids made snowmen, had hot cocoa, played out doors for hours, and conked out at night. We even skipped school and took advantage of the play time.

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