Monday, March 24, 2008

How I started homeschooling...

A good friend of mine wanted to hear about how I got started homeschooling. Well, to be totally honest I never thought I would be a homeschooling Mom. I was familiar with it years ago, but never really thought that it was for me. When we lived in California, I had Tally enrolled in a great neighborhood charter school that had lots of parental involvement. When our family uprooted and came out the other coast, I knew that I had to rethink our schooling options. The first year we were here, I had the girls in a private church school. Tally did kindergarten and Tissy enjoyed the preschool program. At the time it worked for us but I wasn't sure what to do the next year.

At the time, Tissy was diagnosed with her heart problem (that causes the fainting) and I knew that I need to have her close to me at home. Homeschooling seemed like the best option for us. I started looking into co-ops and HS groups. I found that all types of families HS and it was pretty easy to find a group that would support our needs. I felt pretty "green" and new the first year. I figured that the most important thing to focus on was reading and phonics and math. That was our focus that first year. Both of the girls adjusted well to having Mom be the teacher. Any change in life means time to adjust to what is new. Now that we are in our 3rd year, we seem to be flying along pretty smooth.

Don't get me wrong. That is not to say we have our rough days. We do. But...I believe that on the whole, school is just another part of our day, just part of the routine. We try and get most of our work done in the morning. The girls have learned to be self governing. I can put out what needs to be done and they can do a lot of it on their own. We have found our grove in the curriculum that fits us (another post of what we use).

I do not believe that homeschooling is for every family. For us, for now, it is the right fit. Who knows where God leads us in the future. Looking back, I often say "We stumbled into homeschooling." I never went looking for this type of schooling for us and I never thought it would be so much fun. The hardest part for me was just taking the leap into homeschooling. On a positive note, it is a blessing to see my children's education tailor made for them. A program that encourages their gifts and challenges their weaknesses.


Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

You are doing an excellent job homeschooling. Almost all your posts contain unique things you are all doing and learning together!


Rachel said...

Thanks for sharing! I wish I had the opportunity to hs.

Anonymous said...


MY first attempt to leave a comment. Thanks for sharing your homeschooling start with me... I am like you- I never planned to do this, but for now it fits the needs of our family, so we're going to give it a try. I'd welcome any and all input and resources that you have.


Lee and Bev said...

The girls couldn't have a better teacher or mother! You are the best at both. How fortunate and blessed they are to have you!

Annie said...

I LOVED homeschooling, even though I had to do it at work (my church) and for that reason could only homeschool one at a time. I homeschooled my son Aidan from 6-8 grades, and Lydia from 5-8 grades. I would LOVE to homeschool now, but do have to work; I'm the only one supporting the family now. But I can't recommend it enough. I got started when I realized how mature, centered, and polite the homeschooling students were as compared to their public or private schooled contemporaries. I think it has something to do with not being relegated to same-age groups. I don't think that benefits anyone of any age, frankly.

Ginny said...

This is my first year homeschooling and I love it! Seth is so much happier. Next year will be interesting because Keats and Moses will be thrown into the mix-we'll see!

Chuck Peters said...

I am immensely proud of Cris and the girls for how well they are doing with school! I've seen first hand how truly gifted Cris is as both a mom and as a teacher.

I fully believe that there is no better school for our girls than the school of "mom!"

Th egirls are testing many grades above their own grade levels, they love reading, and they are wonderful to be with. I couldn't be happier with our decision, or Cris' dedication. I am definitely a believer in home education!


Christy said...

I love to read your mom's comments, they are always so uplifting! Can I borrow her? :)

greta said...

Thanks for sharing that! I love when I hear of people following God's plan for their lives- in whatever that involves.
You are such a great teacher!

Susan said...

I think HSing teaches ME as much as it teaches my kids. It has kept me dependent on God for wisdom, patience and grace. It has been a joy to teach my kids to read, and to learn science grammar along with them. Since we are suplimenting their Japanese school, we do bare basics, but it is still fun, I feel like I am a student again and enjoy the time with them.