Monday, September 1, 2008

Now my dear sweet Tally is TEN (part 3)

Well, like I said before it was 10 years ago that Tally was born. Today is her actual birthday. I have really enjoyed thinking back on the experience of having her and finally becoming a Mom. 10 years ago I was a different person too. I have changed and grown with all that I have been able to experience. At times I wish that I could do it again (I think I am a better Mom now than I was then).

I wanted to finish off the little story of our transition into parenthood. We had a rough start (I think many people do). Think about all the training you get to learn to drive and yet they let just about anyone go home from the hospital with a baby (with no training or license required). Due to the breech position, Tally had congenital hip dysplasia. Her hips had not formed all the way and within a day of her being born, we were given the different options of what the form of treatment would be. We were fortunate that the harness that she was given to wear did work (rather than casts or surgery). She wore that harness for 3 months. It was hard to care for her (we couldn't take it off and give her a bath at all). She seemed to be pretty fussy with not being able to kick and squirm. Hard to tell how much of it was from the harness. We were very thankful that things were easily corrected. Though at the time, it seemed like such a difficult situation to handle (oh we were so young).

Another issue we had was with feeding. Breastfeeding never was easy. After struggling with nursing and Tally not gaining weight her first month, I ended up seeing a lactation consultant. Tally just wasn't drawing anything out on her own. I used an SNS (tube system) to feed her and I pumped every time I fed her to have enough for the next feeding. It was very difficult and quite the ordeal. Again, not exactly how I had it all planned. I learned to be flexible and put my child's needs above my own ideas and plans.

I believe that my experiences have formed who I am today. I understand that children are a gift and to be treasured. I am so thankful that I have had the privilege to be a mom. What a blessing. And now my dear sweet Tally is ten. How grateful I am to be part of her life.


Melissa said...

Loved to read this story - thanks for sharing!

Smith Schoolhouse said...

Happy Birthday Tally!

What a great mom you are- to have persevered through all those trials!

God knew exactly what He was doing when He placed Tally in your care.

Cindy said...

What a beautiful story! (So glad you didn't keep us in suspense!) I can't imagine how difficult everything must have been, especially seeing your beautiful baby in a harness but somehow we all make it through the rough times, don't we? Thanks for sharing such a wonderful story. Love the pictures of Tally!

oneblessedmamma said...

Happy Birthday Tally! YOu are a wonderful girl, and Mimi is glad to be your friend :-).

Rachael said...

Happy Birthday to Tally!

Thanks for sharing your story!

Christy said...

Tally, you are double digits now! Have a great birthday!

Lee and Bev said...

Happy Birthday, dear Tally! How thankful we are that God gave you to our family. Great pictures! Great Mom!

Tiffany said...

Happy Birthday Tally!

I loved the story and the pictures. Especially the sling picture. I just love sling pics.

Rachel said...

HaPpY HaPpy BiRtHdAy SwEeT TaLlY!! May God bless you as you continue to grow in Him.

Christy said...

What a wonderful story and pictures, thanks for sharing!

Cheryl said...

Happy Birthday Tally... may God continue to shine on your life!

junglemama said...

Happy Birthday! Thanks for sharing about Tally. I never would have guessed.

Sean and Lisa said...

I loved reading about Tally and God's wonderful, beautiful answer to your heart's desire.

Happy Birthday sweet girl!!

Anonymous said...

She is So cute!! the photos!!

happy birthday sweet girl!!

ps... I had the same breastfeeding issues with Lulu...and I used the SNS.

A Girl, her God, and a Gift! said...

Happy Birthday Tally! My what amazing things God can do in 10 years.

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

It seems to me that the horrid harness following a surprise cesarean would interfer with positoning, latch, and breastfeeding. It would take an amazing amount of support to overcome all those obstacles.

crispy said...

Denise, you are right. It wasn't the best mix for a success story for breastfeeding. I did the best I could and I am grateful that I was able to nurse. Though when the next one was born, I got that lactation nurse in my room ASAP to get me on the road to a trouble free BF relationship.

Tim and Susan said...

Cute pictures of Tally and fun story to hear. I had forgotten about feeding problems...I am sure that was all so stressful as a new mom. You have a great memory and can remember all the details.

5Gustos said...

I like the picture of Tally under the yellow towel. It looks just like her now!