Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Oh the things I find when I go upstairs to tuck my girls into bed...

Creative play. It never ends here at our home. These girls come up with some of the most unique ways to play. I have blogged about it before, so here I am again sharing what they were up to.

I walked into their room and burst out laughing when I found this.

Can you tell what it is? A Woody (from Toy Story) doll dressed up as an old woman. Too funny. The girls then wanted to give me a tour of all the characters in the play. Here is Pharaoh Huggy. Can you tell we have studied ancient Egypt this year (and this huggy was also inspired by Kidmo).

And we also have Florence Nightingale. She takes care of the sick.
Of course Taylor Swift was in the story too. I then asked how they knew about Taylor Swift, and they heard about her from friends.
This is a king (actually Huggy) who was looking for a bride in their story. Somehow morphed from Princess Diaries 2.
And their story included an orphaned boy. I know where that one comes from. =)
And last but not least, the Egyptian dancer who entertains everyone.

What it reminded me, was that they just want to share their world with me. And for that afternoon, the girls world was a pretend story. They loved it that I took the time to be interested in their life.


Elle J said...

I said it before, but it is true, I think our kids would get along great with each other. My parents had the kids yesterday (no school for our district) and they went to a park and found lots of "mountains" (Skate Board section) and they were hooked playing with in a made up Kingdom with unique names for each mountain, etc. The Best!! I like it when kids can entertain themselves out of very little (even when they are much older). Your girl's Woody Doll is funny! =)

K-Sue said...

We loved the pictures! I think Pharaoh Huggy is my favorite. Egyptian Dancer is Earthgirl's fave.

Lee and Bev said...

I love "Grandma Woody" and "Phantom Pharoah" Very creative!

Tim and Susan said...

Poor Woody doesn't make a very good grandma...

Unknown said...

Way better way to spend their day than watching soaps or Hannah Montana. :-)

I always thought Woody would make a great old lady.

Cindy said...

that's so great, Cris! I love Woody as the old woman!

Karen said...

I love it!! Your girls are so creative...it's amazing what your imagine will create when you use it...instead of watching TV :) Our kids are a lot alike!

I love "grandma woody" that was so great! Thaks for taking pictures~