Saturday, February 16, 2008

The Invitation Pillow

When I tuck my kids into bed they love when I snuggle into bed with them for a few minutes. I would guess that all kids love the same thing. They want to hug and talk about the day. We often will sing a song or two. Chuck will usually tell them a ridiculous story or play "game show" with them. It is more than just a quick peck on the cheek and a ruffle of the hair and lights out.

Tristen started putting out a special pillow for me and she calls it the invitation pillow. When she puts it out it means she wants me to stay an extra long time and give her lots of hugs and snuggles. How can I refuse? I often have laundry and dishes and chores that are calling my name. stay and snuggle my little just precious. I love the name of the invitation pillow. Too cute. Too sweet. So tonight when I tuck them in and say our prayers I bet she will have out the invitation pillow.


5Gustos said...

That is so sweet! I am quite impressed with your girls. They're a joy to be around.

Susan said...

That is sweet. I am usually rushed and tired by the end of the day...but know that the few moments spent in prayer and listenng are priceless. I read somewhere (and have found it totally true) that the best time to talk (and listen) is late at night before bedtime for teenage boys. Yawn. I miss the times when the kids were little when I used to lay down with them trying to get them to sleep....time sure flies way too fast. sigh.

Anonymous said...

That is adorable!

I love that time of day as well. It is such a precious time.

steffany said...

That is priceless. What a great name!

Tiffany said...

Thanks for sharing--it inspired me to be nicer and more patient at bedtime. I get so eager to get them into bed that I often end up fussing more than loving. I am convicted!

Denise Punger MD IBCLC said...

I love your bedtime ritual.


Annie said...

So dear... Yes, those are the best moments of the day. Except, I get up early and then actually go to bed with the kids. My husband will come up later and put them in their own beds. But that cuddling time - wow; it is priceless.

Lulu said...

I am totally going to steal your daughter's idea! What a fabulous one!

For some time, I have enjoyed a special "cuddle time" with my oldest on the night her dad is gone for choir. She is much more needy in this way so it's been great. It went undiscovered by her siblings and roommates until last week. So now I am trying to figure out how to spread it out. My 7 yo daughter easily gets overlooked because she is not as "needy" in this area.

However, this gives me the idea that *I* could use the invitation pillow on other special nights. I can't wait to sew something up.