Sunday, October 4, 2009

Understanding God's Heart for Adoption

Chuck and I were blessed this weekend as we had the opportunity to attend an adoption conference called Together For Adoption. We sat and listened to speaker after speaker, sermon after sermon about learning to care for orphans, about having a heart for the nations, about God's passion for adoption and how it is His idea and His plan. This was not an adoption conference that teaches someone how to adopt or what agency to use. No, this was digging into the Word of God and understanding what He has to say about His children and the importance of caring for the orphans. We came away both blessed and encouraged and yet heavyhearted.

I quickly want to share about the passage in James 1:26-27. A verse that is very familiar with those in the adoptive world.

If anyone thinks himself to be religious, and yet does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this man's religion is worthless.

Pure and undefiled religion in the sight of our God and Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the world.

Notice how there are 3 parts of true religion.

  1. bridling the tongue
  2. visit orphans and widows in their distress
  3. keep oneself unstained by the world
How can we practice true religion when we are neglecting one or more of these 3. I have a passion for the orphan (obviously) and yet I often fail when it comes to bridling my own tongue. Not to mention, being worldly and living with performance based living, that is being stained by the world.

Like I said, I was challenged and brought to a humble place before God to examine my heart before Him. The messages are going to be available for listening on the Together For Adoption website (HERE). It might take a day or two before they are available. Hopefully you can also find encouragement.


Unknown said...

I bet it was an amazing time! I can't wait to hear the messages online.

DebiH. said...

Wow! Thank you for sharing this! I will look for the sermons online. Russell Moore was a speaker for a 2 day conference that we were at last fall ( not about adoption). I left each of his sessions challenged and amazed by the truth and power of God. I can only imagine how powerful and challenging he would be on the topic of adoption.

DebiH. said...

Wow! Thank you for sharing this! I will look for the sermons online. Russell Moore was a speaker for a 2 day conference that we were at last fall ( not about adoption). I left each of his sessions challenged and amazed by the truth and power of God. I can only imagine how powerful and challenging he would be on the topic of adoption.

carrie said...

Sounds like a great conference! So glad you two were able to go!

I have a friend from Arizona who I knew is also in the adoption process, and just found out they are also adopting from Ethiopia!

junglemama said...

So awesome to see how this journey is growing you. I am so happy that you and your husband have chosen to adopt. You will be blessed.

Crystal said...

God is so good to adopt us into his family! I believe when we adopt we are giving the world a glimpse of his love for them : )

Karen said...

Great post! I so wish I could have gone to that conference!! Thank you for sharing how God is molding you for this adoption.... can't wait for more :)

Tim and Susan said...

God has demonstrated His love for us and adopted us into His wonderful to be a child of God.